Sunday, March 27, 2011

Who are the People in Your Gym? (To the tune of Who are the People in Your Neighborhood? -Sesame Street)

Ok, I admit it, I am so a people-watcher at the gym...can't help it, it is free-entertainment and a great distraction.

Here are some of my noticings:

From the treadmills I run on, I can overlook the free weight area...excellent viewing...I love watching (sorry, men) the guys that appear to be working out, but really just wandering the area.  They stop every now and then to grab some water, watching the flat screens, sit and rest on the weight benches, but really...I watched one guy and he never really picked up a weight.

Love the dudes who have cut up their t-shirts to the extent of...why are you wearing it?  Shreds.

Then there is the gal that can do amazing things on the elliptical machine.  I've gotten behind this gal several times, she is a maniac.  She hangs off the back of the foot pads...almost like she is water-skiing...truly, never seen anything like it.  She can move at a pace with no hands like no other.  I didn't know that machine was so versatile.

Lastly, Miss Clomper...twice now, I'm rocking and rolling on my own treadmill when Miss Clomper hops on to the treadmill right next to me and cranks it to a level of ridiculousness and then clomps away at her run so loudly I am forced to turn up my ipod.  She must have lead in her shoes...

I hope, but have to consider the fact that I may too be the subject of someone's gym blog...I hope no one is writing about the middle-aged woman in her 1989 greek t-shirts....

1 comment:

  1. love the perspective - and your honesty! It is fun to watch others at the gym!
