Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20, 2010

Welcome! So I always wanted to become a writer, blogging wasn't quite in the plan, but I find myself mentally writing so much, it needs to come out on paper...the past couple of weeks, I've thought many times that I should start a blog entitled, "The Unexpected Entrepreneur"...for the past many, many days, I've had the challenge, joy, frustration and sheer feeling of exhaustion becoming a full-fledge business owner. So we will roll with this theme for a bit...

Taking over the family business was not really part of the Master Plan...But oh, we are so learning, there is no master plan...we are rolling with the punches these days!

Things I have come to know:

1. Online banking accounts can only be tied to one bank accounts can be deleted and guess can their that was lesson #1, right out of the gate. The bad news is that everything had to be recreated, the good news is that I really learned all of our bank accounts forward and backward (inside out) in a very quick matter of time.

2. County Assessors can ask for a lot of information.

3. I'm pretty positive I must provide free entertainment for my accountant when he is lunching with friends after some of the questions I have asked..."I have this client..."

4. Paste a reminder note on the blank checks that includes a drawing of how they go into the printer so you don't continue to print them upsidedown.

So it is off to Quickbooks for me...always an adventure to be had there :)

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully we don't have the same accountant because the stories he could tell about me and my stupidity are endless--HA!

