Friday, September 17, 2010

The Man in My Life Driving Me Crazy

It is not what you think...but there is a little man in my life, driving me crazy...might have to send him back to the farm. Wonder if it is too late for returns? His name....Finley George Starman, he is my 13 lb. furry little man with four legs and he is driving me bananas.

What do you expect from a poor little guy who has to spend quite a bit of time in his crate and spending most of last year in the recliner with his Dad? Who can blame him? But unfortunately, just this week, we have had to say good-bye to many items. Good-bye to Zach's lunch box, for an entire corner was chewed off and spit out. Good-bye to a chunk of my good Keen shoes and poor Maureen...good-bye to the chunk of her Keds. Good-bye to the left sleeve of Zach's football game jersey (brand new and this one cost me $35) and to the 3 pencils found in random backpacks. Finley George is on a mission. There was also the corner of the package of frozen sausage that was in reach, the corner of the box of granola bars, a couple of empty toilet paper rolls gotten out of a trash can and numerous pieces of mulch...snagged and brought in to be had under the kitchen table.

Like any man (OK, or woman), I guess he needs attention...

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel your little pain, as we have a little girl pain at our house. We almost lost a pair of my son's Keen shoes, but were luckily able to salvage those. However, we did lose a pair of his tennis shoes (luckily they were too small), a pair of his hiking boots (also too small) and a pair of his sandals (only cost me $1). I definitely sympathize with you!
    Jodi Robbins
