Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Time for Therapy

It was time for a little therapy today...many of you know what that means...yep, the hedge trimmers re-emerged from the garage.  Nothing like a little cleaning and hacking to work through some thinking the warehouse and working outside in the yard is the best form of self-help I know!  I'm pretty sure that, at least this week, you could eat off of the floor in the warehouse, I'm also pretty sure I've sucked up at least 500 spiders in my ShopVac.  And hey, the shrubs are all shaped perfectly for winter...can't beat that with a stick!

So during my thinking time today, I came to the conclusion that one should be careful what they wish for...I always thought it would be great to live around wildlife...then decided today that maybe it is not so fun to live by deer (netted and wrapped the trees for the winter), the squirrels (holes and nuts everywhere in the grass), moles (need I say more?), I smelled a skunk nearby today, too nearby....

When we had Sally, our old dog, I wished for a young puppy that had lots of energy and was fun to play with...and one that liked to ride in the car.  Well, now we have Fin...who in the groomer's words today, "is the most hyper of all the cavashons I know."  Yep.  Agreed.

Also, I used to wish for a little time to myself in the evenings or on the weekends, you husband or kids, just quiet, maybe have the house all to myself...yeah, well now, sometimes the evenings are a little too quiet!  It is very difficult to arrive home from kid events and not be able to share this and that with another parent! 

On that note...I am going to wish that I get more motivated to run...there is a 5K coming up!

1 comment:

  1. The running provides therapy too - I see a 1/2 marathon and a full marathon in your future - maybe with Emily - if she will slow down and run with Mom.
